Participation council course

Two-day participation council (MR) courses for students in the MR

Together with training agency TAQT, the LAKS runs courses for students in the Participation Council (MR). About 200 students participate in these courses each year. You learn the intricacies of working in a council, everything about the rights and duties of students and you learn how to improve your school. Are you a member of the student council and are you thinking about becoming active in the MR in the future, then this course is also very nice for you.
Do you have any questions about the course? If so, please send an email to

Course dates for the 2022/2023 school year:

to be announced

About the course
During this course you will learn all kinds of practical skills that can be useful to you as an active member of the student council or MR, such as presenting, negotiating, meeting and cooperating. There is also attention for the WMS (Law Participation in Schools), how to draw up a concrete work plan and how to maintain contact with your supporters.

The course is held at Stayokay Bunnik and lasts for 2 days. The course load includes 17 hours, so these are the hours you spend on the course during the 2 days. The course groups consist of a maximum of 22 fellow students. Please also read the directions to Bunnik and the house rules of Stayokay Bunnik.
A maximum of three students per school can be placed in one course, to allow as much exchange between different schools as possible. After all, you can learn a lot from the way students from other schools have handled things.

The course costs €125 including the course book/casebook (€115 for LAKS members, max. 3 members per school per year). If all goes well, your school will pay these costs for you. Accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee & tea are also included in the course fee. Travel costs to the training location are your own responsibility, but you can ask your school to pay those costs for you as well.

You can sign up in the form below.

Here you will find our terms and conditions.

Application form for the MR course

Step 1 – Download the consent form

Click here to download the form.

Be sure to complete and sign the form. Then scan the document to upload it using the button at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 – Fill in your details

    Jouw Gegevens

    Gegevens van jouw school

    Dubbel check: heb je het document bij Stap 1 ingevuld, ondertekend, en weer ingescand?

    Je kunt met maximaal drie scholieren van dezelfde leerlingenraad naar de training komen. Ben je met meer, verdeel jullie dan over de verschillende trainingen. Na het avondprogramma tot aanvang van het ochtendprogramma is de trainer van de cursus vrij. Als deelnemer ben je zelf verantwoordelijk voor je eigen gedrag en acties (en dus niet de trainer of het LAKS). Bij noodgevallen kun je je richten tot het personeel van de StayOkay. In de StayOkay gelden de huisregels van StayOkay Bunnik.

    We sturen je een bevestigingsmail, maar het kan zijn dat die in je map Spam/Ongewenst komt. Kijk daar dus ook even! Heb je hem niet gehad? Mail dan naar

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