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Home ProjectToolkit: motivate your school to become more sustainable!

Toolkit: motivate your school to become more sustainable!

April 22 is Earth Day. It is a day on which attention is drawn to nature and environmental protection, including the LAKS. In the sustainability manifesto, LAKS calls on schools to become more sustainable!

It’s probably recognizable; teachers print too much, the classrooms are poorly insulated and you don’t always know how to make sustainable choices. In the manifesto, LAKS calls on school leaders and administrators to address this. Rafke Hagenaars, chairman of LAKS: โ€œSome schools are currently still harmful learning factories. Students need knowledge to make sustainable choices, but schools themselves must also set a good example.โ€

On Monday, April 22, LAKS will hand over the manifesto to VO council chairman, Henk Hagoort, and vice-chairman, Ingrid de Bonth. The LAKS hopes that you and all other students throughout the Netherlands will also inform your own school about the manifesto. Together we take care of our earth and a green future!

What can I do?

Copy the text below and put it in an email.
Add the manifesto as an attachment: sustainability manifesto
Send the email to your team leaders, school coordinators and principal!

Do you have questions or do you need help? Feel free to send an email to

Example email to your school management:

Subject: Time for sustainable developments!

Dear school leader,

April 22 is Earth Day. On this day there is widespread attention for nature and environmental protection. This is also the case with the National Action Committee for Students (LAKS), which has published the sustainability manifesto.

In the manifesto, LAKS advocates a sustainability policy at every school. For example, every school must provide students with competencies so that students can make sustainable choices, the educational environment must be made more sustainable and the materials used at school must be critically examined. Rafke Hagenaars, chairman of LAKS: โ€œSome schools are currently still harmful learning factories. Students need knowledge to make sustainable choices, but schools themselves must also set a good example.โ€ For example, LAKS advocates sustainability in the curriculum, greener schoolyards and buildings and more vegan and organic options in school canteens.

LAKS believes that too little attention is paid to sustainability at school. There are many organizations that together offer a wide range of services, but this is so fragmented that students currently receive guest lessons very occasionally and mainly individual activities are organised. There is still little integrated attention to sustainability. โ€œEspecially in the field of sustainability, it is important to see this reflected in every aspect of the school. Both in terms of content in the lesson and in the building and on the schoolyard,โ€ says Hagenaars.

On Monday, April 22, LAKS will hand over the manifesto to VO council chairman, Henk Hagoort, and vice-chairman, Ingrid de Bonth. You can find this in the appendix and at LAKS hopes that schools throughout the Netherlands will listen to their students and tackle these sustainable development measures together. Together we take care of our earth and a green future!

Does our school contribute to our future and the future environment? Talk to us, students, about how we want to see sustainable development within our school!


LAKS and [Name]

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